


Minecraft Java版 23w42a 发布

pixel 2023-10-19 21:32:29 版本资讯 阅读 391
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Minecraft 快照 23W42A

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照

Hey! Today we bring you the first of the features we've shown you during Minecraft Live last weekend: the Crafter!
嘿!我们今天就加入了在上周末Minecraft Live直播里展示的第一个特性内容:合成器!



  • The Crafter is a new block that enables the crafting of items and blocks via Redstone
  • 合成器是一种全新的方块,可通过红石信号来合成物品或方块
  • The Crafter will eject one crafted item at a time when powered by a new Redstone signal / pulse (not a continuous signal)
  • 当接收到单个红石信号脉冲时,合成器将进行一次合成并弹出合成后的物品(持续的信号不能使它连续工作)
  • Upon receiving this new signal, the Crafter will eject the recipe result from the front face
  • 当接收到这个信号时,合成器会从前面弹出按配方合成的结果
  • If the output result has multiple type of items all the result items will be ejected together
  • 如果输出结果含有多种类型的物品,则所有物品会被一同弹出(例如在合成蛋糕后空桶也会被弹出)
  • The Crafter can be oriented in any direction when placed
  • 合成器可在摆放时朝向任意方向

合成器 UI

  • The Crafter has a 3x3 interactable crafting grid
  • 合成器拥有 3x3 且互动的合成窗格
  • The Crafter’s crafting grid slots are toggleable, meaning that the player can change the behavior of a slot by clicking or pressing on a slot with an empty hand
  • 合成器的合成窗格都是可调整的,玩家可通过在 GUI 空手单击来调整单个格子的行为
  • A slot that is ‘toggled’ cannot hold any items, and therefore cannot have items placed into it by other blocks, such as Hoppers and Droppers
  • 被“禁用”的格子不再能放置物品,也不会从其它方块(漏斗和投掷器)接收物品
  • Unlike the Crafting Table, the Crafter displays a preview of the crafted item which will be crafted and ejected on the next Redstone pulse but cannot be manually taken out by the player
  • 不同于工作台,合成器所展示的合成后物品只会在接受到下一个红石脉冲时被合成且弹出,而不能直接被玩家拿取
  • The Crafter UI is shared between all players interacting with the Crafter, meaning that multiple players can interact with the Crafter at the same time, similar to Chests and Hoppers
  • 对所有与合成器互动的玩家来说,合成器的 UI 是同步的,这意味着多名玩家可对合成器同时操作,就像箱子和漏斗那样


  • The Comparator signal strength is 0-9, where each non-empty or toggled slot adds 1 strength
  • 比较器可以输出 0-9 的信号,每一个非空或禁用的格子都会增加 1 格红石信号强度
  • Hoppers can be used to both insert and pull out items from the Crafter
  • 漏斗既可输入也可排出物品
  • Droppers can be used to insert items into the Crafter
  • 投掷器可向合成器输入物品
  • Moving items in from another block (ex: Hopper, Dropper) prioritizes filling items into slots following these rules:
  • 物品通过其它方块(例:漏斗、投掷器)进入时将按如下的规则填充:
    • Prioritize the first empty slot (from left-to-right, top-to-bottom)
    • 优先放入第一个空的格子里(从左到右从上到下)
    • If there are no empty slots then prioritize the smallest stack of the same item (pick the first if there are multiple)
    • 如果没有空的格子则优先放入同一物品堆叠数最少的格子(若有多个符合条件则取第一个)
    • If there is a toggled slot it will be skipped. The item will then be moved into the container
    • 若格子被禁用则会被跳过。物品随后会进入容器里
    • If the item cannot be moved, it will be ejected into the world
    • 若物品无法移动,则会被弹出到世界里

We want to hear your feedback on the Crafter, so please let us know what you think the over in our dedicated feedback thread .
我们希望能听到你对合成器的反馈,所以请在专门设置的 反馈贴(feedback.minecraft.net)中告诉我们你的想法。


  • Added an accessibility option that allows to hide the yellow splash texts in the main menu
  • 向辅助功能菜单中添加可隐藏主菜单黄色闪烁文本的选项
  • Added a recovery screen for worlds with missing data (for example, if saving failed due to an unexpected shutdown)
  • 为缺失数据的世界添加了恢复屏幕(例如那些因意外关闭而没能保存的世界)


  • The Data Pack version is now 21
  • 数据包版本现在是 21
  • The Resource Pack version is now 19
  • 资源包版本现在是 19
  • Minor changes to chat component serialization
  • 聊天组件序列化的小改动



  • The optional type field has a new allowed value: selector
  • type 可选字段新增允许值: selector
  • Components of type nbt now have source field with allowed values entity, block, storage
  • nbt 类型的内容现添加 source 字段,允许值有 entity, block, storage

数据包版本 21 更新内容

  • Introduced Jigsaw structure pool aliases, which can be used to rewire pool selection
  • 添加拼图池别名,可用于选择被替换的拼图池
  • Added field block_state to tnt entity to allow replacement of rendered block model
  • 在实体 tnt 中添加 block_state 字段,可用于替换渲染的方块模型
  • Renamed field Fuse to fuse on tnt entity
  • 重命名 tntFuse 字段为 fuse
  • Added playersNetherPortalDefaultDelay and playersNetherPortalCreativeDelay gamerules to control time (in ticks) that a player needs to stand in a Nether portal before changing dimensions
  • 添加 playersNetherPortalDefaultDelayplayersNetherPortalCreativeDelay 游戏规则来控制玩家在切换维度前需要在下界传送门内停留的时间(单位为刻)
  • Added new gamerule projectilesCanBreakBlocks to control whether impact projectiles will destroy blocks that are destructible by them, i.e. Chorus Flowers, Pointed Dripstone and Decorated Pots
  • 添加游戏规则 projectilesCanBreakBlocks 来控制弹射物能否破坏包括紫颂花、滴水石锥和饰纹陶罐在内的可被弹射物破坏的物品
  • Added white_smoke particle type
  • 添加 white_smoke 粒子类型


  • Added optional pool_aliases list to Jigsaw structures
  • 向拼图结构里添加了可选的 pool_aliases 列表
  • Aliases represent the possibility to rewire Jigsaw pool connections by redirecting pool references on individual structure instances
  • 拼图池别名代表可被替换的结构之间的联系,可以将拼图池重定向到另一结构实例
  • Alias variants are represented in type and is one of:
  • 别名类型由 type 指定,可以是:
    • direct 1:1 mapping from an alias to a new pool
    • direct 建立一个别名到一个新拼图池的 1:1 映射
      • alias pool to replace
      • alias 要替换的拼图池别名
      • target pool to replace with
      • target 替换后的拼图池
    • random 1:n mapping where a pool from n is randomly selected for the structure instance
    • random 建立一个别名到若干个新拼图池的 1:n 映射, n 代表的结构实例将会随机指定
      • alias pool to replace
      • alias 要替换的拼图池别名
      • targets randomized list of candidate pools to replace alias with
      • targets 一系列拼图池组成的随机列表,用来替换 alias
    • random_group
    • random_group
      • groups each group is a randomized list of above alias types
      • groups 每个组都是一个随机列表
      • only one group is selected per structure instance
      • 对于每一个结构实例,只会在一个组里随机
      • this enables modelling selections such as "if pool X is replaced with X1, also replace pool Y with Y1"
      • 这可以用于实现“若 X 拼图池被 X1替换,则 Y 也被 Y1替换”

资源包版本 19 更新内容

  • Added block model, item model and block state definitions for crafter
  • 添加 crafter 的方块模型、物品模型和方块状态定义
  • Added GUI container texture and sprites for crafter
  • 添加 crafter 的容器 GUI 纹理和精灵图
  • Added white_smoke particle definition
  • 添加 white_smoke 粒子定义

快照 23W34A 修复的漏洞

  • MC-189261 - Various Realms buttons and texts are incorrectly capitalized
  • MC-189261 - 许多有关 Realms 界面上的按钮都未正确大小写
  • MC-223774 - Firework Rockets can't be used to break Chorus Flowers
  • MC-223774 - 烟花火箭无法破坏紫颂花
  • MC-232719 - The scroll bar within the singleplayer menu doesn't reset its position to the top of the list when searching for worlds
  • MC-232719 - 单人游戏菜单中的滚动条在搜索世界时不会重置其位置到列表顶端
  • MC-234483 - Some strange pixels can be seen on the left side of world slot frames within several realms menus
  • MC-234483 - 在一些 Realms 菜单中的世界槽位边框的左边可以看到一些奇怪的像素
  • MC-262888 - Clicking "I know what I'm doing!" on the world loading screen when loading a world in a new snapshot is way too loud
  • MC-262888 - 加载一个更新快照世界时若在加载世界屏幕上
  • MC-264966 - "Signature is missing from Property textures" appears in the logs of some Minecraft worlds due to player heads
  • MC-264966 - 在一些世界中会因为玩家的头在日志中报错“Signature is missing from Property textures”
  • MC-265515 - The "You don't seem to have a Realm" element in the realms menu cannot be selected via the mouse cursor
  • MC-265515 - Realms 菜单中的“你好像没有 Realm”的元素无法被鼠标选中
  • MC-265517 - The "Buy a realm!" button is automatically selected when opening the "Add Realm" interface
  • MC-265517 - 打开“添加 Realm”的界面时会自动选择“购买 Realm”的按钮
  • MC-265551 - "No pending invites!" tooltip in Realms is now untranslatable
  • MC-265551 - Realms 中 “No pending invites!” 的悬浮提示不可被翻译
  • MC-265744 - Kick during login causes client error
  • MC-265744 - 玩家登录服务器时踢出玩家会导致客户端错误
  • MC-265745 - You can’t break decorated pots with fireworks launched from crossbow
  • MC-265745 - 由弩发射的烟花无法破坏饰纹陶罐
  • MC-265751 - Decorated pot subtitles are inconsistent
  • MC-265751 - 饰纹陶罐的字幕不一致
  • MC-265758 - Decorated pots can be destroyed by projectiles in adventure mode
  • MC-265758 - 冒险模式下也可以用弹射物破坏饰纹陶罐
  • MC-265761 - Decorated pots are missing from the creative inventory's redstone blocks tab
  • MC-265761 - 创造模式物品栏的“红石方块”分类缺失饰纹陶罐
  • MC-265767 - Commands don't show error messages in chat
  • MC-265767 - 命令不再向聊天窗口显示错误信息
  • MC-265773 - Functions executed as advancement rewards are executed at the top level
  • MC-265773 - 以进度奖励形式执行的函数具有高优先级
  • MC-265778 - "gamerule maxCommandChainLength 0" prevents subsequent command execution in the world
  • MC-265778 - 执行 gamerule maxCommandChainLength 0 命令会导致该世界无法执行后续命令
  • MC-265789 - Realms popup strings consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation
  • MC-265789 - Realms 弹出窗口的字符串包含前后不一致的标点符号

【SPXX User 译自官网 2023 年 10 月 18 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 23w42a;原作者 Java Team】
【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】




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